Welcome to Mini Musicians! This two semester program is designed to be a positive, creative and exploratory introduction to music for 3-6 year olds in a group setting. The program incorporates piano playing and will provide great preparation for more traditional piano lessons, but it is also beneficial for children who will go on to study other instruments too as they will be exploring pitch, patterns and rhythm.
Mini Musicians is designed to be a no- to low-practice curriculum. There will be some recommendations for at-home reinforcement of concepts we are learning in class. But this will look more like games, music play, and interactions with the music they hear in daily life.
The Mini Musicians class will develop aural skills and technique using games and listening exercises. Students will learn rhythm and theory concepts. Using bells & xylophones, students will also begin to read and understand music notation.
There are no pre-requisites for this class, but it can be helpful if your child has taken at least one semester of the Music for Little Mozarts class. It also works well to take either a Piano Preparatory Class or Music for Little Mozarts class simultaneously with the Mini Musicians class.
This class is an excellent preparation for piano lessons, but it is also a great option for those who want a more in-depth music class without having to purchase a piano or commit to daily practice.
To register, click the link at the bottom of this page. After your registration is received, Mrs. Brown will contact you to confirm, and you will receive an emailed invoice. You may pay online through that invoice, or deliver cash or check to the studio.
FALL 2022 Session: TBA Class Time: Level One: TBA Level Two: TBA Tuition: $250 (20-week semester) Enrollment Deadline: TBA
Summer 2022 Session: June 10-August 5 (Enrollment Closed) Class Time: Level One: Fridays @ 12:15 Level Two: N/A Tuition: $100 (8-week semester) Enrollment Deadline: June 5th